Title: GOLD
Dates Shot: July 2015
Cameras: 35mm Film Anamorphic.
NLE: Avid
Software: Assimilate Scratch
Total Hours Shot: 26
Total Data: Approx 140,000 feet of film.
Title: GOLD
Dates Shot: July 2015
Cameras: 35mm Film Anamorphic.
NLE: Avid
Software: Assimilate Scratch
Total Hours Shot: 26
Total Data: Approx 140,000 feet of film.
Title: No Escape
Dates Shot: Sep-Dec 2013
Cameras: Red Epic, Arri Alexa, Phantom
NLE: Avid
Software: DaVinci Resolve, Assimilate Scratch, BRU PE, ShotPut Pro
Total Hours Shot: 135.5
Total Data: 62TB
Title: The Man with the Iron Fists 2- Sting of the Scorpion
Dates Shot: Feb-Mar 2014
Cameras: Red Epic, GoPro, Canon 5D
NLE: Avid
Software: DaVinci Resolve, Pomfort Silverstack, Tolis Tape Tools, Shotput Pro
Total Hours Shot: 160.5
Total Data: 17.02TB