Broadcast Asia Starts this Week

I know that as far as industry trade shows go NAB and IBC usually get all the press, but I really like Broadcast Asia. First of all, it’s much smaller. I don’t know how many kilometers I’ve racked up walking the halls of the LVCC in my life, but there’s something relieving for a trade show veteran to the concentrated physical area that the show’s held in.

Secondly, its much more intimate. It’s very easy to walk up to anyone and get a demo, or arrange an appointment, and actually talk to company reps rather than temp booth-staffers. Broadcast Asia gives you the luxury of time and personal contact that the other shows lack.

Thirdly, just about all the industry is there. Of course there’s not nearly the amount of exhibitors that you’d find at NAB, but usually the ones I’m actually interested in are manning their booths. Also the timing is nice, coming about 3-4 months after NAB, it’s great for getting follow-ups on progress reports on products that had been only announced previously.

Sure, there’s not a lot in the way of big product announcements, and unless you’re already in Asia, Singapore is a fairly long journey. But for those of us out here in the east, it’s a concentrated, and streamlined version of NAB that lands on our doorstep every year and I’m always excited to attend.

One Comment

  1. […] just came back from Broadcast Asia 2012, and had a great time. Like I alluded to in my last post, because of it's intimate nature, I was able to walk right up and have a demo of the new Blackmagic […]

    June 21, 2012

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